EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 February
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
384 lines
/* Citadel Message Base Scanner */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ctdl.h"
typedef enum { NO=0, YES=1 } BOOLEAN_TYPE;
char netDebug = '\0';
char logNetResults = '\0';
FILE *netLog = stdout;
char verbose_flag = FALSE;
extern CONFIG cfg; /* A buncha variables */
extern FILE *netfl, *roomfl;
extern MessageBuffer msgBuf; /* The -sole- message buffer */
extern FILE *msgfl, *msgfl2;
void Print_Items(struct headlist *ptr);
void Match_Message(MessageBuffer *msg);
void Do_Statistics(MessageBuffer *msg);
void Print_Statistics(void);
void Increment( struct headlist **cptr, char *name);
void Scan_Messages(void);
void crashout(char *);
int main(int argc, char **argv);
int mPrintf(char *format, ...) {return 0; } /* stub to quiet the linker */
void A_Menu(void);
void Terminal(char *string,int size);
void strip_crlf(char *string);
BOOLEAN_TYPE match(char *str1, int idx);
void crashout(str)
char *str;
int main(argc,argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
/* Process CONFIG */
cfg.weAre = UTILITY;
printf("Citadel Message Base Scanner Version %s\n", VERSION_NAME);
if (!readSysTab(FALSE, TRUE)) exit(100);
Scan_Messages(); /* process the messages */
return 0;
void Scan_Messages()
MSG_NUMBER msg, firstMessage;
int total=1; /* For stat keeping. */
extern struct mBuf mFile1;
fprintf(stderr, "Mulching...\n");
startAt(msgfl, &mFile1, 0, 0);
getMessage(getMsgChar, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);
firstMessage = atol(msgBuf.mbId);
msg = firstMessage -1;
while (msg != firstMessage)
getMessage(getMsgChar, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);
msg = atol(msgBuf.mbId);
#define MAX_OPTIONS (12)
#define MAX_FIELD (150)
struct select
BOOLEAN_TYPE option_enabled; /* Is this option enabled */
char option_name[20]; /* name of the option */
int size; /* size of object */
struct select options[MAX_OPTIONS] =
NO, "Author ", 129, NO, "Creation Date ", sizeof(label),
NO, "Creation Time ", sizeof(label), NO, "Id Number ", sizeof(label),
NO, "Node Name ", sizeof(label), NO, "Origin Name ", sizeof(label),
NO, "Room Name ", sizeof(label), NO, "To User ", 129,
NO, "Net Routing Address", (NAMESIZE*2)+10, NO, "OtherNet Address ", O_NET_PATH_SIZE,
NO, "Reply ", sizeof(label), NO, "Domain ", sizeof(label),
char *option_data[MAX_OPTIONS];
void A_Menu()
int idx;
char ans;
char line[MAX_FIELD];
ans = ' ';
for(idx=0; idx < MAX_OPTIONS; idx++)
options[idx].option_enabled = NO;
option_data[idx] = NULL;
while( ans != 'Q' && ans != 'q'
&& ans != 'X' && ans != 'x')
printf(" Message Selection Options\n");
for( idx=0; idx < MAX_OPTIONS; idx++ )
if( ( idx % 2 ) == 0 )printf("\n");
printf( " %c - %20s(%8s)",( 'A'+idx ), options[idx].option_name,
( options[idx].option_enabled == YES ? "enabled" : "disabled"));
printf("\n Verbose is %s", (verbose_flag== YES) ? "on." : "off.");
printf("\n Q - to quit, X - to exit and do scan:");
ans = line[0];
ans = toupper(ans);
idx = ans - 'A';
if( ans == 'V' || ans == 'v')
verbose_flag = ( verbose_flag == YES ) ? NO : YES ;
if( ans != 'Q' && ans != 'q'
&& ans != 'x' && ans != 'X' )
if( idx < 0 || idx >= MAX_OPTIONS )
ans = ' ';
printf("Error: Must enter A thru L\n");
options[idx].option_enabled = options[idx].option_enabled == YES ? NO : YES;
if( options[idx].option_enabled == YES )
printf("Enter %s(up to %d long):",options[idx].option_name, options[idx].size);
option_data[idx] = strdup(line);
if( ans == 'q' || ans == 'Q' ) exit(0);
void strip_crlf(char *string)
int x;
for(x = strlen(string); x>=0; x--)
if((string[x] == '\r')||(string[x] == '\n')) string[x] = 0;
void Terminal(char *string,int size)
char c;
short i;
if( size > 8 )
for( i = 0; i < size; ) string[i++] = '\0';
for (i = 0; i < size && ( c = fgetchar() ) != '\n' && c != EOF;i++)
string[i] = c;
while ( c != '\n' && c != EOF && c != 0x03 )c = fgetchar();
char tmp[8];
for (i = 0; i < 8 && ( c = fgetchar() ) != '\n' && c != EOF;i++)
tmp[i] = c;
while ( c != '\n' && c != EOF && c != 0x03 )c = fgetchar();
if( string[0] == '\0' )
string[0] = '\n';
string[1] = '\0';
void Match_Message(MessageBuffer *msg)
int idx;
for( a_match = YES, idx=0; idx < MAX_OPTIONS && a_match == YES; idx++ )
if( options[idx].option_enabled == YES)
switch (idx)
case 0: if( match(msg->mbauth, idx) == NO) a_match = NO; break;
case 1: if( match(msg->mbdate, idx) == NO) a_match = NO; break;
case 2: if( match(msg->mbtime, idx) == NO) a_match = NO; break;
case 3: if( match(msg->mbId, idx) == NO) a_match = NO; break;
case 4: if( match(msg->mboname, idx) == NO) a_match = NO; break;
case 5: if( match(msg->mborig, idx) == NO) a_match = NO; break;
case 6: if( match(msg->mbroom, idx) == NO) a_match = NO; break;
case 7: if( match(msg->mbsrcId, idx) == NO) a_match = NO; break;
case 8: if( match(msg->mbaddr, idx) == NO) a_match = NO; break;
case 9: if( match(msg->mbOther, idx) == NO) a_match = NO; break;
case 10: if( match(msg->mbreply, idx) == NO) a_match = NO; break;
case 11: if( match(msg->mbdomain,idx) == NO) a_match = NO; break;
if( a_match == YES )
if( verbose_flag )
printf( "Author: %20s ",msg->mbauth );
printf( "Node Id:%20s\n",msg->mbId );
printf( "Date: %20s ",msg->mbdate );
printf( "Time: %20s\n",msg->mbtime );
printf( "Node: %20s ",msg->mboname );
printf( "Origin: %20s\n",msg->mborig );
printf( "Room: %20s ",msg->mbroom );
printf( "Src Id: %20s\n",msg->mbsrcId );
printf( "Net Adr:%s\n",msg->mbaddr );
printf( "Other:%s\n",msg->mbOther );
printf( "Reply: %20s\n",msg->mbreply );
printf( "Domain:%s\n",msg->mbdomain);
BOOLEAN_TYPE match(char *str1, int idx)
char *c1;
char *c2;
int siz;
int dif;
siz = options[idx].size;
c1 = str1;
c2 = option_data[idx];
dif = 0;
while ( dif == 0 && *c1 != '\0' && *c1 != '\0' && siz >0 )
if( *c2 == '*')break ;
if( *c2 != '?')dif = *c1 - *c2;
return ( dif == 0 ) ? YES : NO;
struct headlist
struct headlist *next; /* next item in the list */
char *name; /* name of primary item */
long count; /* occurances */
struct headlist *msg_per_room= NULL;
struct headlist *msg_per_node= NULL;
struct headlist *msg_per_domain= NULL;
struct headlist *msg_per_author=NULL;
long msg_per_hour[24] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0 };
void Do_Statistics(MessageBuffer *msg)
char *tptr;
int hour;
Increment(&msg_per_room, msg->mbroom);
Increment(&msg_per_node, msg->mborig);
Increment(&msg_per_author, msg->mbauth);
Increment(&msg_per_domain, msg->mbdomain);
tptr = &msg->mbtime[0];
while( *tptr == ' ')tptr++;
if( *tptr >= '0' && *tptr <= '9' )
hour = tptr[0] - '0';
if( *tptr >= '0' && *tptr <= '9')
hour = ( hour * 10 );
hour += ( *tptr - '0');
if( hour == 12 ) hour=0;
if( tptr[4] == 'p')hour +=12;
if( hour < 0 || hour > 23 )
printf("computed %d for %s, invalid time\n", hour, msg->mbtime);
else msg_per_hour[hour]++;
void Increment( struct headlist **cptr, char *name)
struct headlist *pptr;
pptr = *cptr;
if( *name == '\0' || *name == ' ' )
name = "*** local ***";
while ( pptr != NULL )
if( strcmp(name, pptr->name) == 0 )
pptr = pptr->next;
pptr = (struct headlist *)malloc(sizeof(struct headlist));
if( pptr == NULL )
printf("Error: No memory available\n");
pptr->name = strdup(name);
pptr->count= 1;
pptr->next = *cptr;
*cptr = pptr;
void Print_Items(struct headlist *ptr)
int count=0;
while( ptr )
printf("%20s %10ld ", ptr->name, ptr->count);
count = ( count + 1 ) % 2;
if( count == 0 ) printf("\n");
ptr= ptr->next;
void Print_Statistics(void)
char *h1 = "Room Name";
char *h2 = "Count";
char *h3 = "Node";
char *h4 = "Author";
char *h5 = "Domain";
char *h6 = "Hour ";
char *h7 = "am";
char *h8 = "pm";
int hour;
printf("\n\n Messages Per Room Report\n");
printf("%20s %10s %20s %10s\n", h1, h2, h1, h2);
Print_Items( msg_per_room );
printf("\n\n Messages Per Node Report\n");
printf("%20s %10s %20s %10s\n", h3, h2, h3);
Print_Items( msg_per_node );
printf("\n\n Messages Per Author Report\n");
printf("%20s %10s %20s %10s\n", h4, h2, h4);
Print_Items( msg_per_author );
printf("\n\n Messages Per Domain Report\n");
printf("%20s %10s %20s %10s\n", h5, h2, h5);
Print_Items( msg_per_domain );
printf("\n\n Messages Per Hour Report\n");
printf("%20s %10s %20s %10s\n", h6, h2, h6);
for(hour=0; hour < 12; hour +=2 )
printf("%17d %s %10ld",( hour == 0 ) ? 12 : hour, h7, msg_per_hour[hour]);
printf(" %17d %s %10ld\n",hour+1, h7, msg_per_hour[hour+1]);
for(hour=12; hour < 24; hour +=2 )
printf("%17d %s %10ld",(hour == 12) ? 12: hour-12, h8, msg_per_hour[hour]);
printf(" %17d %s %10ld\n", hour-11, h8, msg_per_hour[hour+1]);